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Fun Things to Do with Kids on the 4th of July in the South Hills

Get your kids excited about the 4th with these activities

By Alexus Miller Macaroni Kid Publisher Assistant June 28, 2021

July 4th, America’s birthday, has always been my favorite holiday growing up. The aroma of grilled foods, the big family get-together, the games and, of course, the fireworks. It was always so inspiring how something contained in such small packaging could light up the sky so beautifully. There’s no better way to spend with family than cooking and laughing together. If you’re looking for some fun activities and recipes to do with your kids around the South Hills of Pittsburgh, you’ve come to the right place. 

Cooking can always be hectic on the 4th because there’s so much to plan, and you have to make sure you have enough for everyone. Plus, what if “Aunt Sherry” didn’t bring the potato salad like she said she would? We’ve at least got you covered in the dessert department. Your kids will have fun helping you, and they will love eating these sweet treats. If you’re looking for some fun and easy recipes, check out our Recipe Roundup! Red, White, and Blue Treats the Family Will Love for three patriotic snacks. Don’t forget, the classic, Cool Berry Flag Cake. You can never go wrong with cake, especially, one that’s sort of healthy.

Keeping your kids entertained and happy can be hard when you’re so busy. Here are some fun activities to do with them or to keep them occupied. 

  1. Turn a Tuna Can Into a July 4th Centerpiece

This craft is a cute and creative way to 1) trick your kids into eating tuna if you're lucky and 2) repurpose materials you already have. The kids will feel included, happy they got to make something, and like a big kid for doing a big kid activity.

  1. Dress the Part

Make your kids feel special by dressing them up for the holiday. Paint their nails red, white, and blue, or add a firework design. There are so many ways you can decorate nails for the 4th. Hair can also be an accessory, spike your boy’s hair up with gel and spray his Mohawk with temporary blue and red hair dye. Or add tinsel to your girls’ hair to match the sparklers later. Simply take a strand of tinsel and tie it around a few strands of hair near the scalp, continue this all over the head for a “highlight” look. These are some fun ways to make them feel cool on a day when it’s not always the coolest outside. 

  1. Slip n’ Splash Around 

Your kids will stay cool while having a blast. All you need is a smooth tarp, something to hold it down, a hose and soap, for speed. My family always had one on the 4th, and it kept us occupied all day. Or for no setup, look at our Spray Parks and Splash Pads for Kids in the South Hills of Pittsburgh guide to take your kids. 

  1. Play “Don’t Drop It”

How to play: 

Step 1. Fill up water balloons

Step 2. Grab a partner

Step 2. Stand about a foot apart

Step 3. Toss the water balloons to one another, moving further apart each time it’s caught. 

Step 4. The last pair to not drop the balloon wins.

This activity makes for a thrilling game filled with laughter.

Want to get out of the house? Spend less time cooking and more quality time with your family while you Celebrate America on the 4th at Kennywood, with Independence Day activities, magic acts and the Wiener 100 dachshund race.  Spend your day at the Dormont Pool, swimming, eating food and ending the night enjoying their largest fireworks show in history. Dormont Day is not only celebrating the 4th of July, but the pool’s 100th year. This is a celebration that will have your kids never wanting to get out of the pool. Fireworks at Point State Park will be a family-style picnic with food vendors and Patriotic music from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., along with fireworks, of course. Check out our Guide to Where to Watch 4th of July Fireworks in the South Hills of Pittsburgh and our events calendar for more fireworks spots and events near you.

If you’re a traveling family for this holiday, Make More Fun: 36 Kid-Friendly Summer Life Hacks, will help you stay sane and keep your kids as mess-free and fun as possible. These simple hacks can save time, energy and happiness for the whole family. Enjoy the trip from start to finish and have a happy holiday!