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Sprinkle Some Learning Into Your Thanksgiving Celebrations

Don't miss the printable activity pages throughout!

By K.D. Meucci November 28, 2024

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to celebrate gratitude.  The holiday gives us another opportunity to talk with our kids about what it means to be grateful and express that gratitude towards others. Try going around the table during your Thanksgiving table and let everyone share one thing for which they are grateful.  Here are other ways you can celebrate with your kids:

Books to Read

Reading books together is a great way to open up discussions about many topics.  Also, reading together improves your child's ability to read while also strengthening your bonds by sitting next to each other and sharing quiet moments away from technology.  Here are some of my favorite books about gratitude.

  • We Give Thanks by Cynthia Rylant
  • Last Stop on Market Street
  • Those Shoes (then consider going through your old shoes to look for ones you can donate)
  • Thank You, Omu (then make a pot of stew to share afterwards)
  • We are Grateful: Otsaliheliga
  • Bear Says Thanks

Videos to Watch

We are Grateful: Otsaliheliga explore music and this gratitude story- this video engages the audience and is perfect for all ages!

History of Thanksgiving- better for upper elementary and middle school kids

Thanksgiving for Kids- best for your younger children

History of Thanksgiving

Explore the history of Plimoth through the perspective of both the pilgrims and the Wampanoag people with this great interactive website.

Teachers or families with children ages 9-12 could work through this free activity guide that I created and use with my fourth graders each year.

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Watch Activity

"The 2024 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade will air on NBC and Peacock on Nov. 28 from 8:30 a.m. to noon in all time zones, followed by an encore presentation at 2 p.m. ET/PT." https://www.today.com/life/holidays/macys-thanksgiving-day-parade-2024-rcna181163

Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is one of my family's traditions.  We always have it on in the background while prepping for the big meal.  

This free activity page is a great way to get your kids excited about the parade and also give them something to help engage them with the parade while it's happening.  Print one of these pages for each person who will participate in this activity- adults, too! Before the parade, visit the Macy's Parade Site to look at this year's balloon lineup. All participants should write down their favorite balloon, balloonicle, performer, clown crew, and float.  This is a good time to discuss what you like about them and why you all chose each one.  

Then at the time of the parade, have the page ready to go.  When you see the items you listed above, put a check next to them.  I love hearing my kids shout and scream when their favorites come into view on the television.  Then, they help me out with shouts of, "Mom!  I see one of yours!" And I rushed out of the kitchen and into the living room to check one off my list.  So much excitement and fun! Who can have the most checks at the end of the parade?  The winner gets their own dance party and a high five from all of the other participants.  

But my favorite part of the parade has always been Santa at the end.  It always signals the start of Christmas to me. I hope your family has such a great time making these memories together. 

Sprinkle Gratitude

If you've read my World Kindness Day article, you know my love for sticky notes of kindness.  This is another great application of the idea.  Have your children write a statement of gratitude for each person in attendance.  Alternatively, kids could draw a picture on their sticky note.  This would be a good idea to keep kids busy at a craft table while you're setting the table. Most kids enjoy being helpful, so tell them they are making the place cards for the big meal.

In my class, I like to take a picture of each child holding a blank sign.  Then, you can print 4 copies of that photo onto regular paper.  Have your child write a special gratitude note to a family member who they will see on Thanksgiving. You can use the signs as place mats or seating cards at dinner, or simply a small token of gratitude when you see your family members over the holiday.

Alternatively, I upload the photos to a Google slidedeck and teach kids how to insert text boxes to make it look like they actually wrote on the sign.  They like to play with different colors and fonts.  They have to create 4 different signs.  Their assignment is to use the printed pictures as place cards for the Thanksgiving table, or to give the person a gift.