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Interactive Summer Camp and Family Fun Guide for Pittsburgh Kids

Browse our Interactive 2023 Summer Camp Guide by Clicking on Images and Text!

By Macaroni KID Pittsburgh March 9, 2023

Browse the Macaroni KID Pittsburgh Interactive Summer Camp & Family Fun Guide to find over summer camp options and things to do with kids in Pittsburgh this summer. Flip through the pages by clicking on the arrows on the left and right sides of the pages. Hover over text and images with your cursor, and if it turns into a finger - you can click to jump sections or be taken directly to more information about that particular camp. Want to make it bigger? Click the double arrows in the bottom right corner to make it full screen. 

This guide will be updated weekly through August as new information is provided. If you are interested in having your summer camps or programs listed, email Emily at emilyp@macaronikid.com.

We hope you enjoy the new guide style and find it easy to navigate. If you find this guide to be helpful, one of the biggest ways you can support your local Macaroni KID Pittsburgh publishers is by sharing this guide with friends and family who might also be looking for summer camps and things to do with kids in Pittsburgh this summer.

xoxo Emily and Lisa, your local MacKID publisher mama's.