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Art in the Park at Dormont Park

Saturday September 14, 2024 3:00 pm
Dormont Park1801 Dormont AvePittsburgh PA 15216
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SAVE THE DATE and join us for our second annual outdoor public art show, Art in the Park, on Saturday September 14th!

Hosted by Dormont Arts within Dormont Park, this event celebrates art, music, and community. Bring your art to display for your neighbors on a long twine art line wound throughout the walking path, or sign up for an artist vendor table! Bring your family and friends to enjoy a diverse outdoor exhibition, interactive installations, and local artist vendor fair. Experience live music, food trucks, and a vibrant atmosphere at this family friendly event. Admission is FREE. Don't miss this unforgettable day of creativity!


All ages




Now seeking artist vendors and large art installation submissions! REGISTER by 8/23/24 at: www.dormontarts.com/artinthepark

Registration is NOT required for display-only art! ALL LEVELS of art are welcome, we had art from artists of all ages last year and we want to see what you've been working on!

Watch this space for more specifics on bands, food trucks, and large art installations as we get closer to the date! 

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