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Steel City Neurofeedback & Wellness LLC

39 White AvenueCrafton, PA 15205
Phone: 412-212-2333
Business Hours: 9 am-6 pmEmail: info@steelcityneurofeedback.com

ILF neurofeedback combines computer and neuroscience’s EEG technology to help children, adolescents and adults learn how to self-regulate their brain wave activity. As the brain learns new connections, it’s guided towards better functionality which reduces mental or physical health symptoms while enhancing brain performance. As the ILF neurofeedback process is repeated, the learning becomes stronger and the changes more permanent. This process is referred to as neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to form and reorganize synaptic connections. Neurofeedback (NFB) is a safe, non-invasive and non-verbal approach. It can positively impact concentration, sleep, mood, anxiety, pain, focus, emotional regulation, impulse control, energy and social awareness. While ILF neurofeedback requires no self-disclosure, it is naturally and easily integrated into talk therapy, which Steel City Neurofeedback also provides.

