Local Family Fun Deals: Attractions, Shows & More!  

South Park Theatre

1801 Brownsville RoadSouth Park, PA 15129
Phone: 412-832-8552Email: emily@southparktheatre.com Google Map

South Park Theatre has a Children's Theatre program that currently operates year-round. We currently offer classes, performances, events, and programming for students between the ages of 3-18 that reside from all over the South Hills area.  

Details for our current season can be found on our website: www.SouthParkTheatre.com or follow us on Facebook or Instagram @southparktheatre.  For additional information about upcoming auditions, camps or classes, please email Emily Lorence-Ragan, our Director of Children's Theatre, Education, and Outreach at emily@southparktheatre.com. 

Theatre Classes: Beginner & Intermediate Acting, Shakespeare, Directing, Technical Theatre (Sound, Lighting, Scenic/Props Design, Stage Management), Improvistation, Playwriting, and Costume Design.  All are held indoors and are offered at various times of the year. 

Summer Acting Camps: are offered to students between the ages of 6 to 13 that work on short acting skits and monologues.  Mini camps are a 5-day experience and the Full Camp is an 8-day experience.  All are held in the afternoon, week day hours and involve both outdoor and indoor activities. 

Variety Show: At the beginning of each year, we offer a Variety Talent Show on our indoor stage for students to show off their unique skills such as dance, vocals, acting/improv, magic, musical instruments, gynmastics, etc..  Auditions to participate will be available on website soon. 

Audition to be in a Children's Theatre Production: All students must complete the audition registration form on our website and audition to be considered for a production.  Auditions for our Summer Season are held in April and are eligible for students ages 6 and older.  Students may audition either in person or submit online auditon videos.  Monologue selections and rehearsal schedules for our 5 productions are provided on our website. Students must prepare a monologue (and a song to sing acapella) for the audition. Auditions for our Fall Season are held in August and are eligible for students ages 6 to 18.  Students mauy audition either in person or submit online audition videos. Monologue selections and rehearsal schedules for our 2 productions are provided on our website. Students must prepare a monologue (and a song to sing acapella) for the audition.   

Summer Season Productions: Show times are Mondays at 6:30pm, Tuesdays at 10am & 6:30pm, and Wednesdays at 10am. Tickets are just $5 at the door.  Children ages 3 and under are admitted for free.  Audience members are encouraged to bring picnic blankets & lawn chairs for seating on the beautiful outdoor lawn. Concession Items are also sold before each show & during intermission.  Each production runs between 1.5 to 2 hours long with an intermission.  If there is inclement weather, the performance will be on a slight delay or canceled due to severe thunder & lightning in the area.   

Fall Season Productions: Show times are Fridays at 6:00pm, Saturdays at 2:00pm & 6:00pm, and Sundays at 2:00pm.  All performances are held on our indoor Mainstage and designated seating tickets can be purchased ahead of time on our website or day-of at the box office.  Performances may sell out. Tickets are $6 for kids, $10 for adults.  Students 3 years old and younger are admitted for free and will sit on an adult's lap.  Concession Items are also sold before each show & during intermission.  Each production runs between 1.5 to 2 hours long with an intermission. 

MACKID SUBSCRIBER EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT: Mention you saw our listing on Macaroni KID to earn a free raffle ticket at a Children's Theatre production.