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Slime Time Pittsburgh is Now Open: Grand Opening Halloween Party Oct 1

Congrats to the 5 Winners of the Slime Time Pittsburgh Signature Slime Packages

By Emily Papa, Macaroni KID South Hills Publisher September 19, 2022

Slime Time Pittsburgh in South Hills Village Mall is now open for business and is ready for your slime loving kiddos! Slime Time Pittsburgh is located on the lower level of South Hills Village Mall, on the left as soon as you come out of Target. Starbucks and Slime Time is exactly how you will want to spend your next rainy day when you are looking for things to do with your kids in Pittsburgh. 

You can't miss this colorful new addition to South Hills Village Mall!

Slime Time Pittsburgh is a family owned business and it was so nice getting to meet the owners, their siblings and their kids. They are all so enthusiastic about Slime Time and their positive energy brings a happy vibe to the South Hills. Once we checked in, one of the owners took over from there, and I was able to be a spectator for the rest of the visit. To start their slime experience, the kids were given a lab coat, goggles and ID badge to make it official.

The three kiddos felt like superstar slimeoligists!

From there the kids were taken back to the Slime Mixing bar where their first decision of the day was to chose what type of slime they wanted to make. Their choices consisted of clear, cloud, fluffy, and jiggly. Of course, they had to sample each one for noise, texture and consistency before making up their minds. 

We ended up with 1 cloud slime, 1 clear slime, and 1 jiggly slime.

The kids were given bowls and mixers, and then the glue and activator needed for each of their slime types. They started to mix until they reached their desired consistency with staff helping make adjustments when necessary. Next, they got to pick what color they wanted their slime to be and mixed that in. After they got their colors just right, it was time to add in a scent. With over 2 dozen scents to chose from, this step took a while and the staff was so patient with the girls. 

Mixing their slime. 

Slime Time staff was friendly and helpful, engaging with the kids and helping them every step of the way. 

The girls were given plenty of time to just sit and play with their slime after it was made and as you can see, my daughter loved every second of it!

The final stage of slime making included the "toppings," adding beads, foam balls, gems, etc. to your slime. My daughter got a little carried away and spilled the foam bead ALL over the floor. I immediately jumped up to clean it up, but the staff at Slime Time beat me to it and told me not to worry about it. Whew! I'm not used to slime making experience where I don't need to worry about the mess!

Once the girls were done making their slime, they explored the rest of the lab to play with the other sensory stations located in the center and around the perimeter of the store from an oozy slime tank to a kinetic sandbox to a flip sequins wall to squishy floors. The best part is, I was able to embrace them enjoying their activity, not having to worry if I was going to end up with slime in my carpet or on my ceiling again. But seriously how does that happen???

Taking a dip in the oozy slime tank

Building with kinetic sand

Don't judge me if you see us here all the time. My kids love slime and I HATE letting them make it in my house, so this is a perfect compromise for me. Did you make it to Slime Time this weekend? We can't wait to hear what you think about Slime Time and definitely want to see your pictures on social media (use #pghmackid, so we can find them). Don't forget, even though it was their soft-opening this weekend, Slime Time Pittsburgh's Grand Opening Halloween Party will be on October 1st from 2-6pm. Let the kids dress up and come out for a day of family fun. We hope to see you there!

For more information on Slime Time Pittsburgh, visit their website at

Grand Opening Halloween Party is October 1st from 2-6. 

Congrats to the winners of the Slime Time Contest!

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