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Back-to-School Printables to Celebrate that First Day

Make the first day of school special, no matter what it looks like in 2021

By Sarah Hauge, publisher of Macaroni Kid Englewood-Greenwood Village-Centennial, Colo. August 23, 2021

The first day back to school is a monumental day, no matter what school might look like this year.

We're here to help make sure you will always remember this important moment with these super cute, and FREE, back-to-school printables.

Simply click the link below to access your free back-to-school printables. 

You’ll find that all of the free back-to-school signs are PDFs sized to fit an 8x10 inch frame. (You might have to trim the excess white space off to have the design fit in your frame better.) 

Tip: To avoid any glare, remove the glass/plastic from the frame prior to your photo shoot!

Click HERE for your back-to-school printables, 2021 style!

Color printable, DIY

Black and white printable, DIY

Black and white printables, grades K-8

Color printables, grades K-8

No matter what school looks like for your family this year, we hope these back-to-school printables help you find ways to celebrate and make this school year a standout for your extra-special students!

Sarah Hauge is the publisher of Macaroni Kid Englewood-Greenwood Village-Centennial, Colo.