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Give Yourself the Best Mother's Day Gift: Take Care of You

"Walk Your Way to Better: 99 Walks That Will Change Your Life" reminds moms to take time for you

By Kara Murphy, publisher of Macaroni Kid Erie, Pa. May 31, 2020

Mother's Day this year might look different due to COVID-19, but — as we moms well know — this time is no different in the fact that day in and day out we get the job done, no matter what the world throws our way. 

I hope, though, you're not getting it done at the expense of yourself.

"We have created a society that discourages moms from taking care of themselves and applauds them for making a total sacrifice of self. Simultaneously, we are bombarded with messages about how perfect everything should look and feel," Joyce Shulman writes in her new book "Walk Your Way to Better: 99 Walks That Will Change Your Life." "It’s so very wrong on so many levels."

Go for a walk

So if your kids are over their allotted screen time by an hour already today, if the dinner dishes from last night are still on the counter, if you haven't yet responded to the last 673 emails you've gotten from work ... 

Just take a deep breath. Go for a walk. Because I'm here to tell you, you're killing it as a mom, most especially because it's not all perfect.

One thing that's giving me that self-confidence right now? Joyce's book. Joyce is the founder of Macaroni Kid and 99 Walks and a mom to two. So she gets how much we are all juggling. She knows how hard it is to fit in time for yourself. 

But she also knows how important it is.

"Walk Your Way to Better: 99 Walks That Will Change Your Life" is a book about walking and improving your life. Everywhere you turn, people, podcasts, and gurus promise a simple path to the life you want. But few of them work. Why? Because simply reading the words is rarely enough to call your heart and mind to action. This book is different. Each section provides a thought-starter, insight, or story. 

But she doesn’t just want you to just read it. Joyce wants you to read a section and then lace up your sneakers and head out the door. Because while walking, your brain processes in a unique way, enabling you to recognize the things that are truly holding you back and the changes you actually need to make. You will literally Walk Your Way to Better. Along the way you will forge a powerful connection between your mind and your body. And bonus -- you’ll feel better and become fitter.

Ready to be inspired? Order Joyce's book now! It makes a great Mother's Day gift for you or for that special mom in your life.

Want to read more? Joyce is sharing three select chapters that talk about motherhood from "Walk Your Way to Better: 99 Walks That Will Change Your Life."

Read them here!