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10 Holiday Non-Toy Gift Ideas

By Tiffany Olmstead, Publisher Macaroni Kid Monroe - West Monroe December 11, 2016
1. Books β€“ School may have a break, but a new book over the holidays will keep your child entertained and educated.

2. Kitchen Tools β€“ Kids love to cook. Quality kitchen tools last a long time and are durable for kids. They are also make great stocking stuffers!

3. Subscription Boxes β€“ This one is fun at any age. There are many choices such as makeup, science kits, prepped meals, art, and sewing.

4. Tickets β€“ Favorite movie releasing during the holidays, local productions, concert tickets, sports game tickets, etc.

5. Magazine Subscriptions β€“ So many to choose from, from toddlers to adults.

6. Classes/Lessons β€“ Enhance a child's life in sports, performing arts, academic, technology, art, and more. 

7. Family Vacation β€“ Your family has seen other friends' photos, now it's your turn to turn a dream into reality.

8. Gift to Favorite Charity β€“ This may be an option for older children. One way to accomplish could be a handmade gift certificate of a certain amount with "Payable To" space blank, then creatively wrap it.

9. A Calendar β€“ My mother always gave my brother and me a calendar every year. It is a nice tradition that I still look forward to each year.  

10. Memberships β€“ Several local places offer individual and family memberships. They will think of you all year while they are entertained, educated, and exhausted.